So recently South Africa has gone in a stage of isolation, social distancing, confinement or whatever you want to call it. So as for now, all our mobile ministry has been put on hold but the amazing thing is God new that this was going to happen and he has prepared us without us knowing about it. As a team, we realised that Jesus uses every single situation or circumstance to bring glory to him and build our relationship with him.
So in this time God made a way for 3 of us to call High schoolers twice a week and start build relationship with him. We believe that God has a massive heart for the youth in this generation and we took hold of his heart and we are running with it to see change in their hearts. We believe that the youth in this generation part of the key to change in South Africa! So right now we are super small, but never despise small beginnings, for God is in control, always. He made an open door with technology to have Face times with them and we get to actually spend valuable time with them and love them.
Why did I share this?
So with sharing this quick thing about the high school kids, I want you guys to see that we don't need physical freedom to make change if God is the centre of our desire and focus. We can either see this time as a burden and that it sucks, or we can take this time and grow. We can grow so much closer to God and actually build a even stronger relationship with him, because we don't have really anything else to do. Jesus is the meaning of life and love and affection. If you feel lonely, bored or anything like that, go to God. He is so so so so fun! He can entertain you for hours, I promise you, just go and ask him to do it and be willing meaning open your heart for God to do anything. We need to learn to be entertained and loved by God before we seek it from anyone or anything else.
So, to summarise this, keep your hopes high! God knew about this and he knew that you are going to feel how you are feeling. Build relationship with him and I promise you that this 3 weeks will change your life.