a Little update
So our team that is coming to plant the Fire and Fragrance in Potchefstroom grew to a staggering number of 32 people. God has been so faithful by bringing laborers and willing hearts to move halfway around the world and be part of something bigger than we could ever imagine.
These past months of Team building and preparation have been extremely hard but worth it. The enemy(satan), is trying so hard for this team to fail even before we get to South-Africa. He is attacking our identity and trying to impart fear and worry that it is going to be too hard. Praise God that we serve a God that is greater, stronger and alive! Every time there has been doubts, fear and questioning if this is a move of God, he jumps in with a massive explosion of love and grace towards us and reveals his promises all over again.
Who's reality are you in?
A few months ago, I started the Journey to read the Bible from Cover to Cover again. I can not explain it, but when you start praying and asking God about the little things like how your quite time must look like, everything changes completely. Jesus has been opening up the scriptures to me and I am changed to the core. This week I am Reading 1st Samuel. In chapter 5, the Philistines captured the Ark of the covenant. The Ark in that time represented the presence of God and was ordered to Moses that only the Tribe of Levi is allowed to enter within its presence. So you can just imagine when the idolatry Philistines took it and kept it right next to their god called Dagon.
The first morning when they came to pray, they found Dagon flat on his face on the floor. They thought nothing of it can put him back in his place. The following morning, they found him in the same place as the previous morning, but this time the head was broken off and so was the hands. From that moment on, the wrath of God broke over them in the shape of tumors and sickness. They passed the Ark off to the other cities and every time the same would happen to them and their gods.
This made me realize something I know sounds very obvious but it shifted my perspective on spiritual warfare. God is the only God in the entire world that is alive. No other Spirit or God can be in his presence and survive. This made me think if we are filled with his Spirit but no other spirits and God can thrive in his presence, why do we still feel fearful, scared and all the emotions that are not from God? We also know that we have to choose Jesus every day. So because God is in us if you received him as your everything and accepted his Spirit, we just need to choose to walk in the opposite Spirit.
Challenge for the month.
Since the day I asked God how my stewardship of our relationship should look like, everything changed. My challenge for you guys it to go and and simply ask God how it must look like and listen to him, I promise he will tell you because he values you more than anything else in the entire galaxy. If you are looking for a cure to your fear, doubts, financial issues, confusion and sins, do this and I promise you clarity and freedom will come.
Thank you guys so so much for reading these, means a lot. All of the prayers and support definitely means beyond imagination to me, because it carries me to go day by day and giving it all I can so that God may receive the glory and get his reward for suffering for us on the cross. My number changed back to +27721196883, because I am back in South Africa. Stay tuned for the next to hear what God is doing in the mother land.