Happy new year friends and family! I pray that this year would be of great harvest, falling in love with God and plain JOY!
What is the word?
Firstly, I want to start to share with you guys the short version of what I am feeling God is speaking to me over 2021.
I saw a picture of me running into the arms/wings of Jesus and him embracing me as a father always does. I then, saw God opening up his wings and letting 2 people in and then closing his arms again. So what does this mean? What I felt is that God is inviting me into a year of enjoying him and people with him. He created me to be a refuge for people and always bringing them to him for perspective and guidance. This year is a time of finding more of my calling in his plan and tons of Joy.
So, this was a very short description of what I felt. To know more, please contact me to ask!
Testimony of December
So in the month of December, me and a couple of friends traveled over South Africa, sight seeing and enjoying life. Before we started the trip, I felt God asking me to be intentional with sharing the gospel with people and speaking into their lives. This theme kinda invaded our entire group and me went for it with burning hearts and high expectations that HE will show up. Over the month, we prayed for 31 people, shared the Gospel with 32 people, saw 2 healings and 1 salvation! THANK YOU JESUS!
Next week I will share an actual testimony of what happened, so now you have to come back ;)