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Writer's pictureJan-Hendrik van der Merwe

Heart surrender

First of all, I want to apologise for the long time you had to wait for this next update. But I promise that it was worth the wait!

For the month of February, the team and I was in BRAZIL! We went their to go help train and equip the Fire and Fragrance team that is pioneering just as we are here in South Africa. Our time there, Jesus was so after my heart and after the heart of our team. I am not going to lie but that was one of the most challenging experiences I had in my life...

God asked me this question that set all of that in motion, "Jan, you surrendered your life but your heart, is that mine as well?". And so the wrestle starts, where in my life is Jesus not Lord and God over my life? To be real transparent with you is that there was so many areas friends, relationship, image and many more. I realised that I withheld my heart from people because I was afraid of getting hurt. Some of you may think that is wise, but actually it is in. Jesus gave his life and heart to us even though he knew from that day all the sin we are going to do and the hurt we are going to cause Him.

What did I learn out of all this?

I realised that I had to start opening up to my team and family otherwise it will cause division and a very unhealthy situation. But first I had to repent, meaning turn a 180 degrees away from my sin and run towards God cause he is the only one who can put that type of love in my heart for myself and others.

I learned that love is a choice, we can choose hurt or we can choose love. Life is about God and perspective, the two goes hand in hand. If our perspective of life is not through the lens of Jesus, we will be deceived and blinded by our heart and emotions. Luckily, we have a DAD in heaven who is gracious and loving towards his children, so If you know that this is an area you struggle in , just pray and ask God what he thinks of you and then deal with the problem WITH HIM.


South Africa has arrived to the point to where we all are going into lockdown. All our ministry and plans are on hold for now except for prayer. Please go and follow our Instagram page @ffsouthafrica and join the prayer movement. All information is on their and be part of what God is doing in this time of chaos and confusion so that we can help bring peace and perspective.

Stay tuned for more updates in the coming weeks!



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