I want to start this update with some revelations in my own personal life God as revealed to me. This part is is really exposing and that is what I am going for, so you guys may know that your contributions through money and/or prayer is paying off. a Couple of weeks ago I realized that I get triggered by so many different things these past few weeks. For example, I would get so angry and frustrated when I shoot bow and can not seem to hit the black. CRAZY RIGHT? You're probably thinking, "grow up Jan" and I agree with you! I went to my mentors with this anger and frustration I have desperately desiring freedom cause I want people to feel safe and feel the love of Jesus when they are around me. We did some digging with Jesus, some freedom encounter and question asking and O MY GOODNESS did Jesus come through!
Jesus revealed numerous times and events during my childhood where I let people down, was a burden, inconvenience, irritation and many more things alike. From those events I made a subconscious decision that I have to be perfect so that I am not a inconvenience to people and to myself. Think about your life and others, it is kinda impossible to be perfect right, to do everything perfect? Jesus alone is the only one who did that but sin prevents us from getting there on earth. Every time I would not 'be prefect', I would be so hard on myself, I would be sad, angry and frustrated and disappointed, immediately I would disqualify myself from a group of people, event and many more. But that night I realized that it is so so so selfish of me being like that. NOTHING ON EARTH IS ABOUT US! It is all about Jesus, I had the audacity to make every event about me and not Jesus. Once I surrendered all to Jesus, this anger left and the false expectation over myself and others left because it is okey to make mistakes.
So sharing this, I pray that if you know you are way to hard on others or yourself, you'll repent and turn to Jesus. You are forgiven and there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Living a life like that is hard and not recommended! If you want help with identifying this and praying please feel free to contact me.
I want to please ask you guys to share this post with as many people as possible. My heart with these updates is to keep you updated with what I am doing and what God is busy with, but also to make you fall in love with Jesus. If you are considering supporting me monthly please reach out
Jan-Hendrik van der Merwe
+27 721196883